With their public. Selling online successfully

With their public. An eCommerce site is not enough DAVIDE ROSSI – 1 MARCH 2023 sell online In recent years. the belief has emerg that it is sufficient to have a simple eCommerce site . complet bas on some hints of S EO . to be successful in online sales. and the desire to “improvise” in a previously unexplor market such as the digital one. Unfortunately. this is not the case. let’s try to understand why. You might be interest in:

ECommerce and green marketing:

With their public. The importance of environmental impact” eCommerce to sell online sell online asia email list  eCommerce was introduc about 40 years ago in an early embryonic form. Since then this tool has help numerous companies to grow also thanks to the help of increasingly high-performance technologies. Who hasn’t purchas from some of the major players in the sector? Amazon was one of the first eCommerce sites in the Unit States to start selling products online and hasn’t stopp since.

Online sales. however. are increasingly

With their public. At the center of attention even for mium/small companies. We are talking about companies that until a few years ago carri out sales in a traditional way and subsequently found themselves having to deal with a change in methodology in the commercial proposal of their products and services. This dizzying rise was dictat not only  GT Lists  by a greater availability of web service providers. user friendly browsers and ad hoc solutions propos by search engines. but also by a change in use and user behaviour. The data points to some constantly growing trends until 2025. We can in fact observe a clear increase in eCommerce revenue. since 2017. as regards the main European countries (France.count.

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