Clear dropdowns or multiple

 Clear dropdowns or multiple choice dropdown or multiple-choice option fields offer a way to collect additional information from subscribers while making it as easy as possible for them to respond. Also. Offering multiple-choice selections means that you control what information the subscriber inputs. Which makes it easy for you to segment them accordingly into pretermin categories. For example. Role models does this well on their email signup form. They include multiple-choice options for subscribers to select the age range of their child.

Role models can then easily segment

Role models can then easily segment the subscriber into a particular age range and target them with emails that will be most beneficial to that age range. Signup form example from role models 8. Submit buttons the submit button is the last step in the conversion process. It’s a great opportunity africa email list to make signing up for your list feel fun. On-brand. Or urgent — anything other than feeling like filling out a boring form. So. We don’t recommend using the text “submit” on your submit button. Instead. 

Optimize this final conversion

Optimize this final conversion step with something that appeals to the subscriber and makes them feel excit about completing the signup process. For example. In this signup form example. Copywriting company damn write features button text that reads “bring it on!” to create a sense of excitement to signing up for her email list: signup GT Lists form example from damn write 9. Double opt-ins a double opt-in is when you ask subscribers to confirm their email addresses before officially adding them to your list. Including a double opt-in after someone subscribes via your form ruces the possibility of getting spam email addresses on your list and increases your engagement rates later on.

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