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Does the select domain name extension matter in terms of search engine optimization? John Muller writes. in an article on Google’s official Webmasters blog . that all domain endings are basically valu in the same way. This means that the .com domain does not have an advantage over some other ending.  locat in the domain ending. such as .store. does not raise results with that search term. Surprisingly. however. the suffix of the chosen domain name can make a difference.

Also a possible keyword

In the same africa email list article. Google states that it uses country-specific endings to help identify which geographic region the site is aim at. That is. if the site is purely intend for Finnish visitors fi extension. On the other hand. . the .se extension. However. this does not meanendings cannot also get excellent search engine optimization results on Finnish-language sites and in Finland.

If the site is built for Swish visitors

 It’s just GT List one tool in Google’s toolkit when it comes to targeting. in other ways. for which you can find more information in this Google guide . on the net. such as the use of which is not recommend. So the problem with them is that anyone can register them at no cost. so they are commonly us on various scam sites. Even if Google does not penalize these domain endings in the results.

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