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Up 9%. In particular. the audio sector is experiencing even more mark growth. with investment in digital audio ads exceing $115 million. recording an increase of 20%. All this demonstrates how important it is for brands to invest in digital marketing strategies to maintain a competitive advantage in the market. “Vanity Metrics or not vanity metrics” A look at the immiate future social mia trends 2023 promises to be a year full of challenges and opportunities: Creative AI is emerging as one of the key trends. with tools like ChatGPT.

Dall-E. Midjourney. Stabliffusion and

Synthesia representing just the beginning of a new wave capable email list    of creating content. We expect significant performance improvements and increas deployment of real-life applications. accompani by growing debate about legality. ethics and potential misuse. In the field of marketing. we expect a greater focus on adding value to people’s lives . with consequences for advertisers who will have to adapt to an increasingly demanding and selective audience.

Macroeconomic impacts .

Geopolitical tensions and misinformation overload represent challenges that will affect the digital landscape significantly. Finally. social GT Lists  platforms will continue to expand their role in people’s daily lives. but there is growing interest in thinking about generic terms such as “social mia”. Conclusions Despite concerns and rumors of the possible death of social mia. it seems that these digital platforms are not only resisting. but are actually evolving. Users’ approach to social mia is changing: it is no longer just numbers that determine the popularity of an account.

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