Advertising on YouTube: How much does it cost to promote an ad on YouTube

Advertising on YouTube: How much does it cost to promote an ad on YouTube. YouTube is one of the platforms where advertising is most effective. With such a number of active users per month, no less than 2 million, the sales opportunities are very high for advertisers. In fact, statistics claim that 90% of users discover brand products on YouTube. And taking into account that it is one of the main search engines along with Google and that people usually look for tutorials.

TrueView Video discovery

TrueView Video discovery. This type of ad appears according to the searches performed by the user. It is similar to how Google Ads works , since it activates and displays ads based on keywords, and they appear in the first positions of YouTube results, before organic content. Although they can also appear on the home page and on top people data Google partner websites. It is an ad made up of a thumbnail image and a description of up to 3 lines of text, along with the call to action button. What is the price of this YouTube ad.

Has it become clear to you how much it costs to advertise on YouTube

Has it become clear to you how much it costs to advertise on YouTube. I hope I have helped you with this post to understand how the price of advertising GT Lists on YouTube works and how much an ad can cost you. Even so, I want you to keep in mind that it depends on many factors and you cannot settle on a fixed price. Because YouTube, like other advertising platforms, learns from experience. And the more you invest, the more information it will collect to better distribute your budget on subsequent occasions.

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