Amazon Advertising: What it is and how advertising campaigns on Amazon work

Amazon Advertising: What it is and how advertising campaigns on Amazon work. The growth that Amazon has experienced is brutal. It was born in 1995 as a startup to sell books, and in recent years it has become the largest online store in the world. Right now it is positioned as the second most valuable brand in the world , above Google and just below Apple. And already in 2016 it began to generate 1.4 billion dollars in advertising alone.

What is Amazon Advertising

Amazon Advertising is the advertising platform for Amazon’s online store. From here, brands can advertise to show their products to website or app users and have more sales opportunities. And if you define the profile of your potential client well and create ads capable of generating interest. Therefore, you can obtain very good results on this platform. Think that it is not like advertising on social networks like Facebook . Therefore, where users email database enter looking for entertainment and interacting with friends and family. On Amazon there is a purchase intention, even if it is not immediate, and this is what makes it so powerful and effective.

Personalized ads

Therefore, Personalized ads, Amazon’s personalized advertising department works with companies to develop very creative campaigns. The idea is that consumers interact with the brand at different stages of the marketing funnel. This type of ads is more complex and you normally have to contact Amazon customer service. Therefore, but they are very powerful for creating brand awareness and GT Lists  gradually directing users to conversion. Customized strategies are created depending on the advertiser and the objective. Therefore, and serve to attract potential customers both online and offline.

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