Product Industry Wisdom Bytes

Something that is essential for me. If you use Product Industry WordPress, I recommend the “ Schema & Structured Data for WP & AMP ” plugin to implement this structured data: it is easy to configure and very effective. If you are not applying it in your ecommerce, I recommend that you do it NOW. Step 6 – Informational content And finally, once we have worked on the transactional content from the categories and subcategories, we cannot forget about the highest part of the funnel . To do this, one of the ways to do this is by creating informational content through the blog . Taking advantage of the keyword analysis I had carried out for the categories and subcategories, I began to extract keywords with a more informational search intent to work from the blog.

The task of the search Product Industry engine is to resolve the user's search

This not only gives more relevance to category email list other URLs on the website, but you can directly sell the product. Normally this type of content is usually “faster and easier to position” and I put it in quotes because it will depend on many factors. With this type of content we can attack more keywords, attacking a more qualified audience. In addition, we are performing an action that the algorithm loves, we are giving relevant information to the user . The task of the search engine is to resolve the user’s search intention and if it does so in a single result, all the better. Therefore, creating informational content is very powerful since we not only solve the question that the user asks about the product, but they can also buy it directly.

Semrush graph how the project has turned

The Algorithm sees everything, and knows perfectly well GT Lists if you have a shopping cart, if the item is in stock… Everything! Therefore, if we have an e-commerce and create valuable informational content, the wind will blow in our favor because we completely resolve the search intention. It is an opportunity that we cannot miss. Step 7 – Results Perhaps this step is the most anticipated, since it shows the results obtained. I can assure you that there are many hours of work behind these results, but it has been very worth it. Here we can see in a Semrush graph how the project has turned around after all the work done. Reaching more than 6000 users per week in organic traffic. And most importantly, the billing has reached close to €30,000, when the month that had previously billed the most was €3,000 .

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